Products And Solutions


All of your invoices are under control with Birleşik Uzmanlar's e-Archiving solution developed on Dynamics platform. You can do the followings with Birleşik Uzmanlar's e-Archiving solution;

  • Sending all of the invoices (satıcı iadesi, sales order, serbest metin ve muhasebe günlüklerinden) to the special integrator (AX approved) except e-Invoices
  • Sending e-archiving invoice to the special integrator according to the GİB UBLTR format
  • Adding  web link within the invoice for monitoring e-archiving invoice
  • The hard copy of the E-Archiving invoice can be taken either individually or multiple
  • E-archiving invoice can be sent electronically to the company, either individually or multiple
  • Sending archiving work orders to the GİB per month

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